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Take Off the Mask & Live

Book Excerpt

1. The first mask, which covers your eyes only, affects your peripheral vision, the part that allows you to see the outer edges to complete the big picture.

This kind of mask leads to tunnel vision. While you can still see the central details, you can miss the full scope of things. In spiritual terms, this mask would allow you only to see your church, your group, or crew and miss interacting with or even considering the body of Christ at large. 

It can cause you to miss seeing how what you do and how you do a thing actually fits into the “Kingdom of God”. 

The danger of this is that, what may have started out as a God idea could eventually become just a good idea with no real relevance to God’s plan for the Kingdom of God.

 An example of this could be: Perhaps, God told you He wanted you to start a Bible study group in your home. But later He said He wanted you to expand it to a larger building, including more people. He wants to take your side of town for the Kingdom, but you and your small group connect so well and seem to be doing so much good where you are. Plus you don’t want the hassle of a larger responsibility, so you decide what you have is good enough. At that moment, you stopped seeing kingdom and now only see your group. 

Maybe in your ministry, you started out praying about everything, asking God what to do and how to do it. Then your ministry starts to grow very large and you started moving away from asking God what He wants to asking people what they think you should do, assuming it is what God wants. 


2. The second mask not only covers your eyes, but it also covers your nose, impacting your ability to distinguish between a bad odor and a good odor. On the spiritual side, this type of mask would affect your ability to clearly discern. It can make it difficult to distinguish between the unction of the Holy Spirit and just a feeling. The world is lead by feelings, but sons of God are lead by the Holy Spirit: “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the Sons of God” (Romans 8:14). 

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